How to Deploy Django on a Budget with Hetzner and Dokku - Source Code


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Django App Deployment to Hetzner with Dokku

This package includes everything you need to easily deploy your Django app on a strong and scalable infrastructure.

What's Included:

- Fully Functional Django App: A Django application ready for deployment in development environments.

- Database Configuration: Pre-configured database setup with connection URLs.

- Environment Setup: Configurations for environment variables, including secure management of secrets.

- Static Files Management: Scripts and settings for handling static files using Django's collectstatic feature.


- Time-Saving: Skip the complex setup process and deploy your app quickly.

- Scalability: The code and configuration are designed to scale your app as your user base grows.

- Flexibility: Customize the source code to fit your specific needs, whether you're launching a small project or a large-scale application.

This package is perfect for developers and businesses looking to quickly and efficiently deploy a Django application on Hetzner, with the added flexibility and control that Dokku provides.

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