Synchronizing Files Between Two Directories Using Python - Source Code


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This Python script is designed to sync files between two directories, offering various advanced features to tailor the synchronization process.

It ensures that the destination directory becomes an exact copy of the source directory, with the following capabilities:

1. Excluding Files/Directories: Users can specify patterns of files or directories to exclude from the synchronization process. This makes it easy to ignore unnecessary files like temporary files or cache directories.

2. Handling Hidden Files/Directories: By default, the script excludes hidden files and directories from the synchronization. However, users can choose to include them if necessary.

3. Dry Run Mode: This safety feature simulates the synchronization process without making any actual changes. It allows users to preview the actions that would be taken, such as copying or deleting files.

4. Delete Option: This feature ensures the destination directory is an exact match of the source by removing any files in the destination that are not present in the source. This is useful for maintaining clean, mirrored backups.

5. Progress Tracking: The script uses the tqdm library to display a progress bar, providing real-time feedback during the synchronization process.

These features make the script highly flexible and suitable for a variety of file management tasks, from simple backups to complex directory mirroring, with user-friendly command-line options for easy control.

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