Creating Your Own NoSQL Database in Python - Source Code


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This project provides the source code for a custom-built NoSQL database in Python, designed to handle JSON documents.

The database offers a flexible, schema-less storage solution ideal for dynamic and scalable applications.


  • JSON Document Storage: Store and retrieve entire JSON documents, ensuring flexibility in data structure.

  • Query Mechanisms: Execute simple queries to retrieve data based on conditions.

  • Persistent Storage: Save the database state to a file, ensuring data persistence across sessions.

Files Included:

  • The main database implementation file containing the core classes and methods for managing the NoSQL database.

  • A set of tests to verify the functionality of the database, including insertions, updates, deletions, and query operations.

Example Usage:

The provided source code includes example usage to demonstrate how to interact with the database, insert documents, and query data. This makes it easy for developers to integrate the database into their applications and customize it further to meet specific requirements.

This project is perfect for developers looking to understand the internals of NoSQL databases, experiment with custom solutions, or require a lightweight database for small to medium-sized applications.

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